It took some time, but finally our website is now reachable via HTTPS. Have some fun …
Month: February 2018
Better late than never …
Welcome to 2018 🙂
The last article was written in october 2017. So it’s time for an news-update:
We have setup as our new know-how platform a wiki system. We move, step by step, all the documentation to the wiki. Everone registered as a KONNEKTING manufacturer can contribute. Please see wiki for more details.
Beside that, my first big bulk order for the Roto roof-window actuator is in process. The first parts have been delivered, a few are still in transit.
We are also working on beta5. But the bulk order still takes most of the time, so that beta5 will make more progress if bulk order is finished and delivered. We have already discussed and planned the required github tickets.
That’s it for the moment. Follow us in twitter or visit the forum to get informed faster …